More and more people feel the need to be at home or on
to grow fruit and vegetables in the allotment garden. Some because they want their children to experience that vegetables do not come from a can. Others because they want to eat pure food without all those artificial additives and others because they just like it.

Rovero Systems is the founder of Kweek. Rovero delivers
since 1968 foil tunnels and greenhouses to growers in more than 30 countries.

Sustainability and community involvement is important to Rovero owners. Kweek was founded to give something back to society. A place where you can find everything you need to produce fruit and vegetables yourself. Some of Kweek's products are made from residual materials left over from tunnels and greenhouses produced. As a result, you can buy professional tunnels, made with high-quality materials, at competitive prices at Kweek.

But that is not everything. When you buy from Kweek, you support the food supply to people who really need it. No less than 30% of Kweek's profit goes to charities.


Hoe gebruik je de All-In-One voeding

Open de verpakking

Open de zak om toegang te krijgen tot de droge korrels.

Voeg voedingsstoffen toe

Weeg de benodigde hoeveelheid korrels nauwkeurig af en giet deze in een beker. Dit zakje van 80 gram is ontworpen om te worden gemengd met 50 liter water, dus meet de meststoffen zorgvuldig af.

Voeg water toe

Voeg de juiste hoeveelheid water toe aan de korrels.


Roer grondig gedurende 5 minuten om de korrels op te lossen.

Voer de planten

Gebruik de bereide oplossing om uw planten te voeden.

Er kunnen wat zwarte (humine) kruimeltjes achterblijven maar dat kan geen kwaad. Helemaal niet als het water aan planten wordt gegeven die in de grond groeien.